Workshop And Engineering Equipment

Repair Or Replace Your Air Conditioner


Air conditioners are simultaneously some of the most convenient and inconvenient things that we own. They are convenient because they literally change the environment that we live in, a luxury that most people throughout history could only dream of. They’re inconvenient because they can break down easily, and when they do, they’re a hassle to deal with. In fact, many choose to throw an air conditioner out entirely instead of bothering to get it repaired. This can be a mistake sometimes though, since some seemingly broken air conditioners can have years of service left in them. Here are a few tips to let you know whether you should get your air conditioner repaired in Tulsa or replaced.

Repair Newer, Replace Older

Like all machinery, air conditioners have shelf lives. If you’ve just gotten your unit in the past few years, definitely get it fixed, but if it’s been around for a decade or more, you’re better off scrapping it and getting a new one than trying to salvage it.

Repair if Costs are Low

The cost of getting a new air conditioner can be a significant purchase, so always weigh out the costs carefully. If the cost of the repair isn’t significant compared to what it would cost to replace, it’s a much better idea to put what you can into the unit to salvage it. Conversely, if what you would pay to save it is even close to the cost of replacement, just get a new one. The ratio there will go up as the unit gets older, since older units are more prone to simply develop more problems to deal with.

Replace if Your Bill is Rising

If your energy bill seems significantly higher than it has been in the past, then you probably need a new conditioner. There’s not much that can be done to fix that, since the machine isn’t necessarily broken, it’s just using energy inefficiently. Getting a new unit would not only be good for the environment, but also for your wallet.

Replace if it Can’t Keep You Cool

With an air conditioner, it’s all about function. Air conditioner repair is particularly important in hot areas like Tulsa, where it can be brutal to have an air conditioner that simply blows out tepid air when you desperately need cool air. If you repair your equipment and it’s still working in a subpar manner, then it is definitely time to get rid of that one and get another.